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喜讯!祝贺天和学子收获9枚加州伯克利运筹学(UC Berkeley IEOR)Offer!
发布时间:2020-04-20 16:15

祝贺天和学子收获加州大学伯克利分校工业工程与运筹学硕士(University of California, Berkeley Master of Engineering Degree in IEOR)Offer!

加州大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley),简称“伯克利”,位于美国旧金山湾区伯克利市,是世界著名公立研究型大学、在学术界享有盛誉,是世界最顶尖公立大学之一。伯克利是加州大学的创始校区,也是世界上最重要的研究及教学中心之一,其物理、化学、计算机、工程学、经济学等诸多领域均位列世界前十。


Master of Engineering Degree in IEOR
该项目不仅使学生具备管理多方面项目所必需的领导技能,还能帮助学生加深对一门工程学科的理解。该项目的学生需要学习IEOR 240(优化分析)和IEOR 241(风险建模、模拟和数据分析)两门课程,并需要选修自己所选领域中的两门额外的选修课,这些领域包括数据科学、金融工程、供应链管理、运筹学和决策分析。

该项目分为三种专研方向,分别是管理科学与工程(Management Science & Engineering)、金融科技(FinTech)、数据分析和知识产权策略(Data Analytics & IP Strategy)。

管理科学与工程(Management Science & Engineering)
This concentration emphasizes management and engineering perspectives for solving problems, making decisions, and managing risk in complex, real-world systems. Courses in this concentration ensure that students develop a deep understanding of optimization and stochastic modeling, proficiency in the tools of management science and engineering including simulation and machine learning, and awareness of a variety of applications in relevant areas of operations management.

The FinTech concentration focuses on machine learning and data analytics with an emphasis on financial time series analysis. We aim to prepare you for a future career and success in financial and tech companies. This skill set is especially pertinent to banks, consulting firms, financial technology, and investment firms.

数据分析和知识产权策略(Data Analytics & IP Strategy)
Intellectual property and its management are an increasing challenge in the innovation economy. While IP management has typically been practiced by lawyers and sometimes senior business people, engineers are becoming indispensable to IP management, due to increasingly complex technologies. Engineers often pick up their understanding of IP while on the job as patent examiners, law firm staff, and business strategists. The intent of the Data Analytics & IP Strategy concentration is to give such engineers the necessary background before they enter the workforce, as part of their MEng degree.



据统计,该项目2018届的毕业生中,就职机构有:Adobe、Apple、LeaTaaS、Microsoft、8minuteenergyrenewables LLC、BNP Paribas、Capital One、China Merchants Bank、Credit Suisse、Criteo、Criteo、eBay、Facebook、Google、Visa等。


公司电话:北京:010-51627912 全国:4007060592