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喜讯!祝贺天和学子斩获3枚南洋理工大学金融学(NTU MSc Finance)Offer!
发布时间:2020-04-02 17:16

祝贺天和学子斩获南洋理工大学金融(Nanyang Technological University MSc Finance)Offer!


南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),简称南大(NTU),是新加坡的一所世界著名研究型大学。南大是环太平洋大学联盟成员,全球高校人工智能学术联盟创始成员、AACSB认证成员、国际事务专业学院协会(APSIA)成员,也是国际科技大学联盟的发起成员。



MSc Finance

The Master of Science in Finance programme aims to train bilingual professionals with solid foundation in financial knowledge and international exposure for the global finance industry. Students are required to obtain 36 academic units in minimum one year of full-time study at Nanyang Business School. Students who successfully complete all the course requirements will be awarded a degree in Master of Science in Finance by Nanyang Technological University.

Programme Highlights
Bilingual Programme in English and Chinese:About half of the courses provided in the programme will be conducted in English and another half in Chinese.
Provides Wide International Exposure:Students will have opportunities to network with and attend seminars conducted by industry leaders from international financial institutions.
Imparts Realistic Practical Financial Solutions:Courses are taught using real-world data and cases in a simulated financial market.
Large Pool of Experienced Faculty Members:Nanyang Business Schools faculties are well regarded for their strong academic qualifications, first-rate teaching skills and rich industry experience. Professionals from the banking and finance industry and visiting professors from top international universities are also invited to teach in the programme.

Students who successfully complete all the course requirements will be awarded a degree in MSc in Finance by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Lastly, we empower you to deliver as a leader throughout your career. In this programme, students will go through four key stages of leadership and career development.

Stage 1:Self-Assessment and Awareness 

A Career Coach will discuss career aspirations and options with each student at the beginning of the academic year. 
NTU Career and Attachment Office (CAO) will help students identify the individual traits, preferences, and competencies. It can also help to match students’ skills and interests to the career that best suit them.

Stage 2:Leadership Development
During the course of study, students have opportunities to the following leadership and career development:
Student Industry Field Trips (SIFT) in Singapore and China
Alumni sharing and networking sessions
Financial industry partners and employers networking sessions
Professional lectures by financial experts
Career fairs and recruitment talks
Self-development workshops to improve interview skills, resume writing and manners, instrucments, social etiquette and others

Stage 3:Career Goal Setting
Students can meet with Career Coaches to evaluate their short-term and long-term career goals, review job search progress, and polish resume and interview skills. 
We are also able to provide students with industry-specific advice so that students can gain more information and preparation tips on the financial industry job/employment market.

Stage 4:Global Alumni Network and Lifelong Learning
A Career Coach will discuss career aspirations and options with each student at the beginning of the academic year. 
NTU Career and Attachment Office (CAO) will help students identify the individual traits, preferences, and competencies. It can also help to match students’ skills and interests to the career that best suit them.

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